Sepia Saturday's theme this week is parades. The theme image is Russians marching. What can we say about Russia? They continue to choose megalomaniacs as their leaders. What is in the psyche of the Russian people that makes them constantly yearn for leaders that cross the line between right and wrong? It's a wonder.
I have parade photos to share, but they're of a man who stood for what was right and wore the white hat to prove it.

Roy Rogers and Dale Evans were of huge importance in my life as a child. I still have good thoughts when I think of them. I recently discovered an obscure tv channel that shows old episodes of the Roy Rogers Show. I can easily sit down and get lost in one of the shows, mostly astounded by how really bad the acting and writing was. As a kid I never noticed any of that. All of the kids in the neighborhood would watch the show and soon be outside reenacting it around our houses; for that reason alone the show was of value. You watched the show and then ran outside. These days too many kids stay inside and stare at screens nonstop. I think we're going to have a lot of very awkward adults in the future who never really learned to socialize.

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These two photos were taken at the Rose Parade in 1947, thirty years after the theme photo was taken. Roy, Dale, Trigger, and Buttermilk…can't get any better than that.

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These photos are NOT in Buckaroos and Buckarettes.
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