
Beaver's Best Friend, GILBERT

Okay, so this isn't really Gilbert from Leave It to Beaver, but he reminds me of him. So in honor of Barbara Billingsly, Beaver's mom in her smart housedress and pearls, I've renamed this fellow Gilbert. Of course, you can see from the back his name is Kenney. You might also notice the handwriting is Margaret's. If you don't know Margaret you'll need to go back and read some old posts. Margaret thankfully liked to write on the back of her photos.

A very ordinary snapshot of a very ordinary boy which is pretty much what Leave It to Beaver celebrated.

UPDATE: Received a comment telling me that Gilbert is the character I'm thinking about, not Whitey. So I have renamed this. Need to keep my Beaver characters in order. So thanks JB!


  1. Seems like Dennis, The Menace to me! But I don't have my glasses on! Cute child, nonetheless.

  2. Anonymous10/17/2010

    Boy, he sure does look like Whitey. I love that show! : )

  3. Ordinary? I don't think so! The pattern on his shirt and the screen behind him...was it purposeful or was it just destiny? So sad about Barbara Billingsly though.

  4. You have to love the checked shirt with matching background. I do wonder if they purposely posed him there. And I love his attitude. Wonder if the shirt was a birthday gift with the requisite photo to be sent to the gift giver.

    And yes, I can see Dennis in him too.

  5. It is such a cool photo of all boy. Checkered shirt and all.

  6. Looks more like Gilbert from Leave It To Beaver.

  7. Looks like Beaver's pal Gilbert to me!

  8. JB, you are absolutely right! It is Gilbert.
