

Brew brothers or real brothers? Best friends or twins?

Okay, they're not twins, but as to the rest of it I just don't know. On the back of the photo it says:
Taken Ray Witts Back yard in Cupertino Calif July - 57
So perhaps one of these guys is Ray Witt. No way of knowing. If they aren't related I find it fascinating that friends would so closely mirror each others smiles.

Wonder where I found this gem? Can we say Three Buck Big Box of Photos? I know we can. I'm figuring each photo in this box cost about 2 to 3 cents. I'm getting easily a mile out of them. Vernacular photography at its finest.

And is it just me or does the fellow on the left look like Kenneth from yesterday?


  1. Cupertino and Berkeley are pretty near to one another so Kenneth could be one of these two. I also think they are related because they have the same ears and chin/neck.

  2. Yes, they do look similar. And Berkeley is in the East Bay and Cupertino in the South Bay.

  3. Ray Witt, if it is the same guy, was a well known print maker through the late 40's-60's in Miami, Fla. with a studio that became increasingly popular through the years with up and coming artists along the east coast, the gulf coast, and throughout the south in general. He was quite prolific as the quality of his prints were outstanding.
    Now your Ray Witt and the Ray Witt I'm referring to may not be the same guy, and I don't know if Ray ever lived in California or if he had a brother, but your photo and the name encouraged me to respond with this little tidbit of info

    1. That would certainly add a new dimension to Ray, but I'm guessing it's not him.
