

This is Kenneth. It says so on the back of the photo. It also gives his last name which I will not post. However, according to what is written on the back, this was taken on Sept 3, 1967 at 4 PM at 94 Panoramic Way in Berkeley, California. I find the fact that they put the time rather interesting. Why was the time necessary? Alibi?

And then there's the keys in his hand. Was he coming or going? Sure it looks innocuous, but why was this odd photo taken? At first glance it's not odd. It's only when I look at for a bit of time that I begin to wonder why Kenneth was stopped on the walkway with his groceries, if indeed they ARE groceries, for a picture?
"No officer, Kenneth was here with me at 4 PM. See, I've got a photo."
Looking at this photo I'm guessing this was Kenneth's brown period. All brown clothes went nicely with the brown grocery bag. Hey, Kenneth, what's in the bag? Perhaps best to let the police ask that question.

Another shot from the Three Buck Big Box of Photos.


  1. The bag looks too wrinkled at the top to have just come from the grocery store. I think Kenneth was a swinger and has his uh alternative outfit in the bag. I guess you haven't found the photo of Kenneth at 5 PM yet.

  2. I thought that too. That's why I'm leaving it to the police to look in the bag. It would probably answer where Kenneth was at 3 PM.

  3. Maybe he was coming home from his time in prison:)

  4. Whoa, I hadn't thought of that. Good one!

  5. My dad used to write the address or location on the back of photos. I think the old polaroid backings had a space for time and date too. Now I'll have to look at one.
