Hard to believe, but I was on the yearbook staff in high school as a photographer. I never took one shot. I'm the sort of person who likes to observe, but not be observed. Well, a female photographer running around campus, especially at my school with it's horrific pecking order, would have been very uncomfortable. I tried to stay as invisible as possible the 4 years I was incarcerated. If I had taken photos, especially sports photos, they would have looked like this. Okay, probably they would have all had their backs to the camera so actually the person who shot this is a better sports photographer than I ever would have been.

Click on image to see it larger.
So what sport are they playing? And is there a guy named "Spot" or are we supposed to "spot" Allen Hill? Not quite sure. You'll have to enlarge the shot to figure out the sport.
This weeks Sepia Saturday's image shows Dinah Shore and Burt Bacharach playing tennis, thus my sport theme. The closest I can come is this shot of Frank Sinatra dressed for golf. The shot was purchased at an estate sale many years ago. I'm guessing the person who took this shot told the story of the moment over and over and over again. Their "encounter" with old blue eyes.

And again, I apologize for not fully participating in visiting other Sepia Saturday posters. I think I have narrowed down the huge sucking sound I hear from my bandwidth. I believe it's due to a piece of cloud software I recently installed. I am on a satellite connection with limited monthly usage. I've barely been online and the usage level still shows very high. It stupidly never dawned on me that hooking up to the "cloud" was going to obviously cause this problem. A client had requested I install it. I've reset some preferences and hope to see the numbers dropping. Then again...maybe I've got a neighbor hacking into my router. Who knows? Sometimes I just want to run away from computers...but not before checking my email.