My best friend gave these to me several years ago. They possibly belonged to her grandparents.
I have no idea where the first three shots were taken, but I'm guessing a time period of the 1930s.
This last shot has a photo finishers stamp on the back from Meridian, Mississippi with the date Feb. 27, 1950.
This year I finally saw a horse race in person. I had mixed reactions. It was beautiful when it was happening, the horses running as a pack, but then I think of how so many of them are drugged and end life in horrible circumstances. I know I prefer the memory of the wild mustangs running across the desert in Nevada, running full tilt right across the road in front of the car then disappearing into the scrub up a hillside. That was a stunning and breathtaking sight. A memory I'll cherish forever.
I'm afraid that due to bandwidth usage I will not be able to get around to many sites this weekend, so please forgive me. It's the world of satellite net access.