
HAVE WATERMELON, Will Travel! It's a category.

It's a category! One of my faves. Have no idea why I ended up with this category. You buy one watermelon shot and the next thing you know you start seeing others. You think, "Hmmmm...maybe there's something to this. Watermelon. People seem to love watermelon."

Oh sure, there are other categories much easier to collect, but do the people almost always look happy? I find my watermelon shots the people look content, some even prideful of the melons they have. I can't say all the shots of people cutting cakes are as equally happy.

This is a recent acquisition. A most unusual watermelon shot. On the road with watermelon! Perhaps a subcategory!

Click on either image to see it larger.

So how did this come about? Was there a time when people said, "Hey Mabel, lets put the kids in the car, hook on the wagon, drive out to a sunflower field, and eat watermelon!" Apparently so.

(I sort of like the way these categories and subcategories make me sound like I've lost a few marbles. Okay, most of my marbles. Perhaps I should actually show up at a high school reunion and when asked what I do I could deadpan and say, "I collect photos of people eating watermelon." And believe me, I could deadpan right through this and have their confused expressions forever etched into my brain. And as they walked away I'd hear, "She was always odd, wasn't she?" to which the other would say, "I don't remember her.")



    the pics are great and your comment most hilarious!! if you wre always this funny, surely they would remember you...

  2. Wasn't the least bit outwardly funny in school. I did however make a point of leaving odd messages in the senior yearbooks of many many people. People I barely knew or who had decided I was invisible. I wrote notes that started with "Remember when we..." and then I'd write a mini story about some sort of outrageous behavior in a classroom that never happened. My intent was to force them to do some splanin' when they were a lot older and their kids or grandkids were looking through the book. Sweet revenge.

  3. I adore your categories...ditto to your yearbook entries!

  4. in the year book, i was described as a ghost, despite the fact i was bullied by a few on a near daily basis... true, they didn't know anything about me, because they never bothered, but they sure as hell remember me for all of the pain they've caused me. i hate school because of them...

  5. Though I can never fully understand the nightmares you went through, I can remember what it was like to be singled out by others, teachers and students. It leaves scars.

  6. i think we understand each other just fine. good thing high school doesn't last forever... i sometimes wonder what happened to some, if they remained jerks or if they grew up, you know?

  7. Thus the reason I have never gone to a reunion. Now as to what some adults did to me in first and second grade...I'm thinking, if they're still alive, they're still the jerks they were way back when. The fellow high school students might feel some shame, but I doubt the teachers ever did.

  8. I gave up going to class reunions, they are all jerks..I didn't like them then..and I like them less now.
    I do think you should go..tell them all about your categories..they will think you are nuts. (Especially the Fairy Farts) I enjoy your categories..after all this is your blog and you can do whatever you like here..very unlike High School.

    Ticklebear, I am sorry about your High School experiences..I bet some of those kids are sorry too. The bums:(

  9. Sometimes I wonder if anyone made it through high school unscathed.

  10. it is a challenging for many, even the jerks are possibly pressured to act this way to remain in that comfort zone of theirs...

  11. I would like to believe that these people, once away from the primal group think ended up reasonable people, but you just never know.

  12. Watermelon photos? Ha, and for a while I though my little collection of goat cart children was odd.

  13. No. I don't go to them either. They thought I was nuts back then (Okay, I helped a little) so why go back? My job is done.

  14. Goat card children. A category I have not yet tackled! But I'm thinking and I might have one.

    Yes, once out of high school never to return. I always found it fascinating when adults would say, "Oh, it's the best years of your life." Really? Things are going to be worse than this?

  15. I saw this in my reader when you first posted it and, not noticing who'd posted it, I thought -- Oh, I have to tell Tattered and Lost about these watermelon photos! And then I looked and saw it was already you!

    Of all the watermelon photos I've ever seen, I like this one best.

  16. I'll have lived a successful life if I'm known as "The woman who collected photos of people eating watermelon." If I were to have a tombstone that is what I'd wish put on it. Just knowing it would have people scratching their heads would be worth it.
