
YOSEMITE VALLEY in the early 1930s

This photo, a Kodatone, was taken in Yosemite Valley in the 1930s. The man is Lieutenant Harold Bateman Roberts who served in the U.S. Coast Guard. I don't know who the woman is, but it's before he was married. This photo is in an album which belonged to Mr. Roberts who served for several years aboard a ship in Alaska and then was chosen to accompany Admiral Byrd on an expedition. I also have an album of photos, cards, and newspaper clippings of him with his wife titled "Harold & Lolly". It is strange having something so personal of a stranger, but I'm glad I purchased them. I only wish I'd had the money to purchase the amazing photo album of his trips to Alaska in the early 30s. Alas that was way out of my price range at the estate sale and I try not to think about what I missed. I'll be satisfied with this tiny gem.

Harold Bateman Roberts_Yosemite Valley_1930s_tatteredandlost

I have posted several vernacular photos this past year once owned by Mr. Roberts. He can be seen in DESIGNATED DRIVERS enjoying the Eve. He's on the left. Other photos from his album are:

TIN LIZZY Feels Dizzy

SITTING AT THE CAFE with Nothing to Say
Tattered and Lost volumes 1 to 7 available at Amazon.


  1. I can't get over how clear the reflection is.

  2. Great shot, you should frame it if you haven't done so already.

  3. eloh, It is amazingly clear isn't it? And it's a small shot. Measures around 3 x 4.5.

    Maureen, No, I've left it in the album but like many other shots I have I've thought of blowing it up, cleaning it up, an then framing it.
