This lovely little girl was found in the bottom of a box at an antique store. Who knows how long she had been there, smiling, waiting to be acknowledged. Who could resist her for only $1.00?
I'd say she dates back to the early 1940s, possibly late 30s. Leaded tinsel. Raise your hand if you remember it. Raise your hand if you have a box of it. Okay, my hand is raised. I'm looking around for the rest of you.
To see another image of a leaded tinsel Christmas tree check out this older post called "LEADED, not unleaded." You'll understand why I have a thing for the toxic leaded stuff.
And now the challenge I pass along to you. Can you name the four dolls this little angel has next to her? If you can let me know what you think.
And to see some past Christmas posts:
All of this brought to you for another wonderful Sepia Saturday.