
The Category That Gets LITTLE RESPECT

I've said it before and I'll say it again...snapshots of women looking over the shoulder in kitchens is a category. You'll never see a whole book of these shots. Heck, I don't even buy all the ones I've seen and I've seen some really good ones.

There's always one of two reactions: surprise or a slight tinge of annoyance. Okay, occasionally you'll see someone smiling, but having been one of those people to take photos of women in kitchens I can say that it's usually a look that screams, "STOP IT!"

Click on image to see it larger.


  1. Maybe they are afraid someone is trying to steal their secret recipes!

    1. That's got to be it! Proprietary recipes. You'll never get my double double chocolate brownie recipe and live to talk about it!

  2. A Neanderthal woman looks back from twirling a mammoth steak over the open fire. She gives an exasperated sigh as Oggg tries to draw an image of her on the cave wall. Ohh, stop it! Just go squat and wait. It will be ready when its ready!

    1. Cave drawings are starting to make a lot more sense now. Oggg chasing animal with spear invents first fast food.
