
Hard at WORK

Okay folks, give me your best guess as to what is going on here besides just guys working.

Click on image to see it larger.


  1. I've seen a fair number of photos like this. Type in Panama Canal construction on Google.

  2. Looks like a train wreak to me... over turned rail car and torn up track being fixed?

    1. I at first thought train too. It is a double exposure so there's something going on that's odd.

  3. Another snapshot from the dream camera. It's that weird one where you show up late for work and everyone has started without you. However they still expect you to take over but you have no clue what to do. Then the train whistle blows and you realize you've misplaced your luggage on the cruise ship. When you finally find it, the conductor refuses to take your ticket and doesn't speak English. And just as you pull out the dream camera you abruptly wake up.

  4. It's something under construction. That's about all I can draw from it. It seems familiar in places but not enough to sort it out.

    1. I know what you mean. At first I thought railroad, but then realized that wasn't it. And the secondary image has put just enough shapes in to make it quite confusing.
