

If you've seen the recent selfie-photo of "journalist" Geraldo Rivera you're probably trying to find a way to scrub that corner of your memory.

Image be gone! Be gone I tell you! 

The photo should have come with a warning, like what you're told when there is an eclipse. "Don't directly look at the image, you'll cause brain damage." But if you did look and are now suffering along with so many other people around the world I give you perhaps some relief. This is an image I posted for the first time in 2008; Geraldo as a time-traveling celebrity. Still a preening strutting wingless bird, but perhaps a bit more palatable. I'm wondering if in the current shot he was also wearing the black socks and shoes.


  1. I'd not heard of Geraldo, or a selfie, but I sure have now. Much ado about nothing, methinks. But I'm glad to hear that you've seen it all before ;-)

    1. I am so sorry to have introduced you to him. Life is much sweeter with no knowledge of this huge ego.

  2. I am reminded of the circus strong man and vaudeville shows - perhaps he was an arm- or "pro" wrestler? He seems very Eugen Sandow-ish.

    1. Yes, it does have that feeling. It's a real photo post card so I imagine he handed these out.

  3. In the same way that certain songs become earworms that stick in your head once you accidentally hear them again, the internet photo meme chases us everywhere until it is an eyeworm that we can't escape seeing everywhere. I find that the best remedy for earworms is a more powerful tune to wash it out. A Sousa march or some Zappa always works for me. This gent's photo has the same effect with his proud stance in those socks and shoes, and Geraldo has magically disappeared from my memory!

    1. So pleased to hear it worked.

      And I too find keeping a tune close at hand to get rid of earworms is very helpful. My simple tune is always "Don't Fence Me In."
