And Laura continues to play and pose. Here she is, again in the living room, playing another instrument. This time it's a mandora.
So, what do you think these photos were for? Was her mother in pursuit of a suitor for Laura? I'm baffled by Laura moving around the house posing for photos with her instruments.
As I've said in a previous post, I hope she played the instruments well. I can easily imagine some visitor coming to the home, the mother bustling about saying, "Laura, play something nice for Mr. Butterkins." And then turning to Mr. Butterkins and saying, "Let me get you some tea Mr. Butterkins while Laura serenades you." And did he smile weakly, a quiet pained expression, as Laura moved from instrument to instrument making sounds usually only heard in cat fights, but looking very pretty doing it? And did he finally just say, "Ummmmm...I'm actually here to talk to talk to you about life insurance."

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It's not just the instrument that's exotic--all that fabric. I'd love to see it in color. This is the first I've ever heard of a mandora, but I have been invited over to hear friends' children who were just learning to play one instrument or another.
ReplyDeleteYes, so much fabric! So many patterns! Color would be wonderful. I'd love to see what it looked like. And dust wise, it all looks a bit too much when you think that they didn't have a modern vacuum cleaner let alone a Swifter.
DeleteBefore radio, before television, before the I-Whatever, people had to amuse themselves. I was born in 1955 and had music classes from the first grade through the seventh. My family didn't have the money to buy instruments, but I did learn to read music and carry a tune. I hate to do the crotchety old man routine, but what a bad idea to drop arts from the public schools.
ReplyDeleteWell, I'm a few years older than you so I'm an even older crotchety old woman (who is liking her senior discounts!) and I remember all the music classes we had in elementary school. And I don't know what I would have become if I hadn't been given the chance to do art in school. I doubt I'd have chosen the path of going to art college and a BFA. So I know what you're talking about. When the arts are cut from school budgets they are cutting the only classes that allow the inner child's voice to be heard.
DeleteI bet I'm older and crochetier. I enjoyed music and arts in the classroom from K through 6th and as an option for the rest of high school. I credit my fourth grade teacher with my interest and appreciation of music.
ReplyDeleteCutting the arts from the public school budget didn't benefit anything. None of the other subjects have improved either. Out of 33 countries, the US ranks 22 in Science, 27th in Math and dead last in reading skill.
And to think how closely tied the arts are to math and science. It's really so incredibly short-signted.