I have no idea who this young lady is. She could be a relative or just a friend of my maternal grandmother. The photo is approximately 1 inch square and was found in the bottom of a small box of photos that had belonged to grandma. All I can tell you, with any certainty, is that she lived in Pennsylvania, near Harrisburg. Other than that, it's anybodies guess. She will forever be nameless.
I call her Pollyana because she reminds me of the character. I know the name Pollyana is often used to describe someone too good, too cheerful. The actual character isn't anything like that, and it's a shame that trying to find the good in bad events and learning from the experience should so often be frowned on by those who consider themselves too hip and too cool.
I wish I knew something about this young lady. What became of her? How did her life turn out? It's highly possible at some point when I was a child I met her when she was a grown woman in her 60s. I'll never know.
For now she is my post for Sepia Saturday.
Great photo. She has an infectious smile. That bow she's wearing in her hair must have been huge.
ReplyDeleteOld pictures are so much fun - but don't we wish someone had written info on the back of them so it is known who they are. I do think that Pollyanna is a good name for this pretty girl. Carol
ReplyDeletei agree with KAT. such a lovely smile should be mandatory.
I like to think that she was your grandmother's best friend from school. In any case, she looks like a lot of fun.
ReplyDeleteAh, she's lovely. She looks like she has such a fun and playful personality. If only you knew her name!
ReplyDeleteWonderful story. And given the lack of definite information about her life you will have to invent a life story. What events she could have witnessed, what loves she could have had. And always smiling?
ReplyDeleteI say ditto for Alan's comment, make up what you don't know! Aren't these mystery folks fun to ponder! She does look lively!
ReplyDeleteI will have to spend some time looking through my grandmother's album to see if I ever find anyone that looks like this smiling lass. Unfortunately I'll never have any information about her because my grandmother wrote nothing in her album. I have no idea if there are any photos of her mother, just her father with his second wife who was not a nice woman. My grandmother's mother died young.
ReplyDeleteWell Done for the rescue of Pollyana from the bottom of the box!