Showing posts with label Pacific Coast League. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pacific Coast League. Show all posts



Summertime is going to a baseball game and enjoying yourself whether your team wins or not.

Click on either image to see it larger.

This weeks Sepia Saturday theme seems to be a blushing romance and dare I say it, hoping to get to first base? Since I’m still working on my summertime theme (if that’s what you want to call it) I’ll have to say the only romance in my shot is for those who are truly enamored with baseball.

I’m okay with baseball. I’m not big on watching sports of any kind, but I have been to a few professional baseball games in my life.

For anyone who has read this blog for the past few years you may remember this photo being shown once before when a friend called and said, “Meet me at the ferry on Wednesday. We’re going to a Giant’s game.” I did enjoy it. I don’t remember which team won, but I LOVED the park. I mean really LOVED the park with its views of the San Francisco bay.

This photo comes from the Bill and Dick Excellent Adventure album. I have featured a variety of photos from this album the past few years.

As you can see from the handwriting at the bottom, this was taken in Portland Oregon sometime around or after 1916. I have no idea the name of the team. I do know there are a heck of a lot of straw boaters in the stands.

As to the other words at the bottom, Mazie King…take a listen (open this link in an additional window) and try to sit still. Is it not the perfect tune to go along with this image? It all becomes a silent movie with the actors about to come to life at any moment.

As to who was Mazie King and why is her name on the photo? Well, I believe the curly haired woman in the foreground IS Mazie King. Take a look at this photo and tell me if you think it's the same woman. From what I've been able to find she was a dancer and appeared on Broadway and in vaudeville.

UPDATE: Thanks to readers I can add the information given below in comments into the actual post.

From WYJ in regards to the baseball team: The team would be the Portland Beavers of the Pacific Coast League. There have been several versions of the team over the years. The latest was evicted by the city in 2010 so the stadium could be used by a MSL soccer franchise.

From Anyjazz in regards to Mazie: Yes, that's her. According to Wiki, "The Passing Show" was a music and dance revue staged annually from about 1894 on. From 1912 to 1924 it played on Broadway in New York. Mazie King was probably in it as a "Toe Dancer."

Thank you!

Tomorrow or possibly the next day or the next: more summertime