Showing posts with label Fielding's travel guide. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fielding's travel guide. Show all posts


Au Revoir MAIME

Keeping with my own themes running through my head, travel (see my other site for a couple of TWA travel brochure covers done by Bob Peak) and First Ladies, I give you a faux Maime Eisenhower excited about a trip to Europe. I know it's not her, but that's who she reminds me of. She also reminds my best friend and me of Jane Wyatt from Father Knows Best.

Oh how I remember being excited about my first trip to Europe. Reading everything I could find at a travel agency or the library. And yes, buying travel guides at the bookstore. 

Obviously "Madame Queen" is very excited and all dressed up for her flight. She had her hat, her pearls, and her guide. What more did she need to make her mark on the Continent? 

Au Revoir Madame Queen. I hope the guide didn't steer you wrong.

Au Revoir Madame Queen_tatteredandlost
Click on image to see it larger.

And if you're too young to remember Maime Eisenhower or simply haven't a clue about American history click here to read about the real Maime and see her photo.