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Even if you're not physically hurt in an auto accident there are repercussions that last for a very long time. Those repercussions have worn me out. The end to all of it is not yet in sight.

It's been one of those years. When I can, I sit quietly with a pet on my lap and listen to my breathing and tell myself I'm a very lucky person.


  1. Pets are very therapeutic and sense when something is wrong. Their affection is fine medicine.

    I hope you heal soon.

    1. Thanks. The car buying is out of the way, but other repercussions remain. Oh, and I hate Craig's List. Creepy place. Very creepy place.

  2. Yeah, some pets are good therapy. But what exactly is Madame cradling? Poodle? Siamese? Persian lamb? I know gold fish and iguanas are good listeners but their cuddle qualities are a bit cold as lap pets. Ducks aren't really sincere with their sympathy. Hamsters never remember anything. And don't get me started with cockatoos, they never shut up.

    Be of good cheer.

    1. Sadly the pet was not in a contemplative mood. We shall never know the species. But I like the idea of an iguana. That would be so wonderfully odd.

  3. Good to hear you were not hurt in the accident, hope you wade through the paperwork soon. Yes pets help calm me down:)

    1. And pets keep your lap warm as the colder weather begins. A dog and a cat and a blanket and I'm set for a few hours of tv watching.
