
ROYAL SWEDISH OPERA, Stockholm in 1959

I've found a box that contains some photos of a trip to Sweden Betty's father took in 1959. I don't know if Betty was along for the trip because I haven't found any photos of who Donald Sr. traveled with. They're pretty much just boring shots of buildings. I'll admit I've done the same. Go on a trip and take photos of buildings that mean nothing to me when I get home, but when I saw them they seemed so significant. At least Donald wrote something on the slides or I'd be completely lost. He was a lot better organized than I ever was.

So, here we have the Royal Swedish Opera built in the 1890s. You can read about it here.

Click on image to see it larger.


  1. Oh boy, a new category!
    Presumably Betty's mom enjoyed the opera.

    I wondered what happened in Sweden in 1959 that might be a reason for their visit. I found this story which is certainly not the reason, but it is a Swedish tradition that started in 1959 and has an odd Scandinavian charm.

    1. Well, that is certainly, ummmmm…different. Of course here in the US we had Amhal and the Night Visitors for many years, several times on Christmas Eve.


  2. Mr Schnabel Sr. really got around. I found Jr living in Florida... I wonder if he had any children that might like to see grandpop's photos...

    1. I don't know. There wasn't any family interested in any of it, thus the reason it was all for sale at the estate sale.

  3. Assuming the "Wiki" photo is recent, the building has not changed much over the years. The interior is lovely.

