
Happy sombrero FIESTA TIME!

Who doesn't like a sombrero? A sombrero with pom-poms. I'm guessing there are some people who went on cruises who bought HUGE sombreros thinking they were grand, got back on the ship and couldn't figure out where to put it, then got home and thought, "What was I thinking?"

I do not own a sombrero. I have enough sense to know not to buy funny hats on vacation. The tri-corner my father bought at a convention in Boston will need some explaining upon my death.

In keeping with this week's Sepia Saturday of a woman on a beach I give you a vintage snapshot of...a woman on a beach. Unlike a previous sombrero post I did in 2010, this woman clearly loves her sombrero.


  1. I've always thought sombrero's are great against the rain. But funny enough you don't see them here. So I must be wrong. Nice pictures though!

  2. I've some negatives of in-laws - riding a tractor and one of the first combines in Northern Montana - all decked out in Sombreros - with pom-poms. Early, I'd say somewhere in the late Teens. They never left the farm, so how they came to purchase the sombreros escapes even those who could tell me how they came to acquire them.

    1. I'm beginning to think that it was some sort of weird "pet rock" fashion that blew across the country in the teens or twenties. It could have been because of the Mexican Revolution which spanned from 1910 to 1920.

  3. A perfect theme choice, but oh that tie!

  4. Years ago when I was house-hunting, I toured a house where the home-owners had decorated their bedroom with souvenirs of some trip. On each pillow of their bed was a very elaborate sombrero. Ah-ha - so that's what you do with a sombrero!

    1. Oh I like that. That makes a funny statement on each bed.

  5. I always think of Mexico or Spain when it comes to sombreros. I think I have a photo somewhere of my daughter wearing one in a Spanish town when she was a young girl. Just the right sort of headgear for a beach.

  6. omigosh...we have some sombrero pics in our family collection from the '20s also.

    Dee at Shakin' the Family Tree

  7. She is so cute ... is she pregnant?

    Fun post.

    Kathy M.

    1. I'm thinking it's just the bulky top of her pantaloons, but hey, who knows. The photos is open to interpretation.

  8. Lovely photographs. And beach photographs and smiles go together like fish and chips, hats and scarves and sea and sand.

  9. The sombrero makes a good sun hat at least.

  10. I even have a "What were they thinking" tag on Photo-Sleuth. Great shots.

  11. I love that there are two views of this senorita with the pom pom sombrero. Very snappy.

    1. Yes, she seems quite proud of her festive chapeau.

  12. Holy hats! That is definitely a big sombrero on the beach!
