

This weeks Sepia Saturday is an image of Maypole dancers. I have fond memories of being a child in Hawaii taking part in the Maypole dance at school. The colorful ribbons, the kids trying to weave in and out, up and over, around and around. Our parents were invited to come watch. It was a dance, though I can’t recall what music was played.

I have decided to choose dance for this weeks images. All of the following were purchased at one estate sale a few years ago. I know nothing about any of the dancers; I also have no idea when these shots were taken. I do wonder if these ladies were influenced by the dancer Isadora Duncan. I’m fascinated by the gypsy influence.

Is the woman in this final shot posing for an artist? Was she the subject of a painting? There is something romantic about her pose, a light step within a gentle dance. I almost expect to see her in a Vermeer painting.

As a child I took dance, but then I started growing and was told by a relative that I looked clumsy. Those few words have stuck with me and now I only dance when no one watches.

Let's hear it for the beauty of the coming month of May and the beautiful Vanessa Redgrave in Camelot.

Click on the label "dancer" below to see more images of dancers.


  1. Ooooh -- wonderful pictures! The one gal seems to be midstream on a Slip-n-Slide. And yes, I agree -- the last one does resemble Vermeer's girl with the pearl earring somewhat.

  2. Now those photos are very different to all the ones I’ve seen of people dancing around maypoles. I agree with you, there’s definitely a touch of Isadora about them - lovely.

  3. Oh wow, this was amazing, I simply love how you posted this. Yes, some of their dressing up was quite funny perhaps some would say, but it was their devotion and love of their art that made them some of the luckiest people around! yes, dance on you silly souls, dance on...!

  4. Most enjoyable dancers! I can imagine the music they were tapping their toes to.

  5. Great pictures. I have never seen maypole dancing in Hawaii, but what a perfect place for it.

  6. Those are such fun photos. I wonder what the purpose was. Could they have been aspiring actresses or maybe they were just goofing around.

  7. What wonderful photographs. I was swept through the post by wild gypsy music pulsating in my mind. Somehow dance and May go hand in hand - a kind of animal pleasure in the return of the sun.

  8. I took tap dancing when I was a child. I probably was too clumsy for ballet.

  9. Wonderful photos and I like the reference to Isadora Duncan. Don't feel bad I can't dance either. But who knows maybe you could if you had stuck it out?

  10. Love your post!

    Isn't it terrible the way a careless word can put you off? Someone told me I have no sense of rhythm and since then, like you, I dance only when nobody is looking.

  11. Fine fine group. Now, you know I will have to go look up mine.

  12. I say we all mentally meet on May 1st and dance till we drop. Being clumsy we may fall over ourselves, but it's worth it.

  13. anyjazz, I'll be anxiously awaiting what you find!

  14. The Isadora influence does seem to be there in the early photos. Ignore the critics, dance your heart out!

  15. Elegantly posed, you can 'hear' the dance rhythm.
    We still have a tutu packed away - not mine I hasten to add - but my daughter's from when she took dance.
    What a shame that someone is told they are clumbsy - the important thing is that they enjoy taking part.

  16. I don't know why the pictures wouldn't show up for me but they sound wonderful. I enjoyed the video, and am irritated by your relatives remarks.

    Hope your May Day is fun and that you dance your heart out!

    Kathy M.

  17. I don't believe I have my tutu anymore, but I do have my ballet shoes. Well worn for small feet who was in another world when she danced.

    Don't know why the photos wouldn't load for you, but I find that quite often at some fellow Sepia Saturday sites. Even redrawing doesn't work. What does work is if I just try a different browser.

  18. You have such interesting photographs and seem to have one (or several) for every occasion. You must have a good system for organizing them. I especially like the last photo. I'm trying to decide if she was posing or if the photographer had a great camera.

  19. Organization? Nope. They're just each burned into my mental filing cabinet.

  20. Is the dancer in the top picture wearing avocados on her ears? or fried eggs? Great costumes.

  21. Perhaps the inspiration for Princess Leia?

  22. Very well posed all of them and goood that you rescued them in that estate sale. I agree Pincess Leia!

  23. What a nice variety that you have. One of them almost looked like a circus pose after a performance.

  24. Indeed, you are right. There is a circus quality to them!

  25. It's that relative's mouth
    that's clumsy...
    I say!!
    Some folks should learn
    when to shut up.
